An Open Letter From Dr. Rick Robertson

By Dr. Rick Robertson

Beloved and long-time psychiatrist at our Danville office, Dr. Robertson has sent the following open letter to his patients, colleagues, associates, and friends.

Dear all,

Many people have asked how I'm doing, and what has become of me since January 21st, when I completed a full day of work in what I found out was acute renal failure. Here's a quick summary of my journey since then.

I was hospitalized the next day and went on dialysis. My hospitalization lasted for about 10 days, then I was released to out-patient dialysis. In an unexpected turn of events, perhaps through the prayers of so many, my kidneys recovered to the point that my dialysis treatment was canceled. I had been told I would never have normal kidneys, but now they are the best they've ever been - so much for the experts!

We knew my illness would return with a vengeance, but having failed most available treatment options, including one experimental drug, it was unclear what to do. So, I was re-hospitalized and put on five of the most toxic drugs available to stop the progress. Miraculously it seems, a trial was just starting for an investigational drug at Indiana University! This appeared to be my last hope. 

The response was quick and dramatic. Fast-forward to present, I am on my fifth treatment and my labs are better than anytime since I started. While I'm still unable to return to work and currently on disability, I am able to do more and have more energy than I can remember in the last few years.

The outpouring of love, concern, and prayerful support and encouragement are humbling to say the least. I love the practice of psychiatry and being with my patients and so many others I've met along the way. I'm sure most providers will tell you this, but seeing people do well has always given me great satisfaction in a way I can't explain. I rejoiced when patients did well and wondered what I did wrong when they did not.  

I don't know what the future holds for me, but for those of you facing your own challenges, I hope my story inspires you to keep going, pray, and don't give up. One never knows when, where, or from whom an answer may come.

I can't thank you all enough for your support, and I wish each of you the best!

- Rick Robertson, MD


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